Becoming a Member
When you are ready to make Christ Church your spiritual home, it is time to become a member. When you become a member of Christ Church, you join a diverse group of fellow pilgrims seeking to know Christ and to make him known. You will discover the ministry that God is calling you to through opportunities for Christian education, worship, fellowship and service. You will help share the financial responsibility of this faith community to support God’s work here.
There are several ways to become a member, depending on your background:
Baptism For Those New to the Christian Faith
Baptism is the ancient means of entry into the Christian community, recognized throughout the world. Jesus, himself, was baptized in the river Jordan just prior to beginning his ministry. In baptism, we profess our faith, are ordained as ministers of Christ, and marked as His own forever. In the case of infants, parents and godparents profess the faith on behalf of the child.
Confirmation Adult Commitment for the Baptized
If you have been baptized, confirmation is an opportunity to make a mature, public affirmation of faith before the Bishop and the congregation. Preparatory classes for young people and adults, which provide a core curriculum for discussing the Christian faith, the Episcopal Church, and the Christian life, are scheduled prior to the Bishop's annual visit.
Reception For Those Confirmed in Another Denomination
Reception into the Episcopal Church is for those who have been baptized and confirmed in another denomination. Those to be received join in preparatory classes to explore with others one's own journey in faith and are scheduled for reception with the Adult Confirmation classes or Inquirer’s Class. When the Bishop visits, candidates are presented to him for reception into the Episcopal Church.
Reaffirmation Recommitment for Confirmed Episcopalians
Reaffirmation is an opportunity for confirmed Episcopalians to publicly renew and recommit to their faith before the Bishop and congregation. Preparation is through the Adult Confirmation or Inquirer’s Class. Reaffirmations will be held when the Bishop visits.
Letter of Transfer For Members of Other Episcopal Churches
If you are a member of another church, the church office can make arrangements to transfer your membership to Christ Church.
For information about any of these processes, please contact the Church Office at 540-662-5843, Ext 4.