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Christian Formation

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The ministry of Christian Formation at Christ Church helps us live into our Baptismal Covenant and empowers us on our journey with Christ by providing opportunities to share knowledge, ask questions, and by offering space and time for encountering Christ.


Opportunities for education exist for all age levels – from preschoolers to seniors throughout the "program year" and even in the summer.

Dear friends,


4,932. This is a low estimate of the number of sermons (and biblical texts) that have been spoken in my presence during my lifetime. 4,932 would seem to qualify me for an advanced knowledge and understanding of the Holy Scripture and its application to me and our world. Wrong. Only much later in my life, did I began to realize that I should be actually listening to sermons and seeking to understand what Scripture means. Good idea, but still mostly beyond my ability to focus and comprehend!


For the past few years, I thankfully have had the opportunity to participate in weekly Bible Study at Christ Church. We read and discuss the Scripture which will be read in the following Sunday service. This has included discussion about historical facts, various translations, various interpretations, and much more. When the Scriptures are read the following Sunday, they seem like old friends and I can relate to them in a new way. Sermons are by no means a repeat of our Wednesday class but, because of our discussion, the sermon becomes much more meaningful, thought-provoking, and relevant. I am still by no means a person of advanced knowledge and understanding regarding the Holy Scriptures, but I hope to
continue to study and learn.


The good news is that you and I are invited to Wednesday Bible Study and other Christian Formation offerings for adults at Christ Church! We can attend either online or in-person. I hope to see you there.



Opal Davis

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